Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week of November 15 2015: Alma 27 through Alma 46

Dear Sisters,

This week's message was written by sister Ruth Duersch.  Thank you Ruth for your beautiful words!

As I have spent time reading during the 100 day challenge, I have felt a drastic difference in my relationships with the people, prophets, and issues discussed. I have read the Book of Mormon numerous times, but THIS time I feel like I know the men and women personally. This experience has brought peace into my life that I have been lacking. Where before I would turn to other sources when I felt stressed and anxious, I now find myself turning to the Book of Mormon as my source of relief. I open the pages and I feel burdens literally lifted off my shoulders.

For example, this week I was impressed by Alma 26:27, "Now when our hearts were depressed (how often I feel that way...) and we were about to turn back (yep, been there too!) behold the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success (as he always does. He stands with us through all tasks and makes them work together for our good.)"

I have been blown away by the compassion and care I have felt from our Father in Heaven during this experience. I did not anticipate the impact it would have on me. I am now intending to start my own schedule to read all the Gospels before Easter come spring time.

All my best,

Ruth Duersch

Here is this week's reading schedule.

Day 51 (11.15.15)
Read: Alma 27-29
Mark: Alma 27:27
True converts are those who “listen to the teachings and testimonies of missionaries and change their lives, leaving the past behind them, and moving forward into a new life.” ~ President Hinckley
What is zeal? What difference does it make to have “zeal towards God”?

Day 52 (11.16.15)

Read: Alma 30-31
Mark: Alma 30:37-39
“Korihor’s arguments sound very contemporary to the modern reader, but Alma used a timeless and ultimately undeniable weapon in response—the power of a personal testimony.” ~ Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
How did Alma respond to Korihor’s claim that there is no God?

Day 53 (11.17.15)

Read: Alma 32-33
Mark: Alma 32:21
“Of all our needs, I think the greatest is an increase of faith” ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley
How often do you exercise faith? What difference can “a particle of faith” make in our actions? (see Matthew 17:20)

Day 54 (11.18.15)

Read: Alma 34-36
Mark: Alma 34:32-33
“The thought of intentionally committing serious sin now and repenting later is perilously wrong. Never do that. Many start that journey of intentional transgression and never make it back. Premeditated sin has greater penalties and is harder to overcome. If there is sin, repent now— while you can.” ~ Elder Richard G. Scott
What does Satan do to try to keep you from repenting? How many reasons can you think of for why it’s important to repent now?

Day 55 (11.19.15)

Read: Alma 37-38
Mark: Alma 37:35-37
“I have little or no fear for the young man or the young woman, who honestly and conscientiously supplicate God twice a day for the guidance of His Spirit. I am sure that when the temptation comes they will have strength to overcome it by the inspiration that shall be given to them. Supplicating the Lord for the guidance of His Spirit places around us a safeguard, and if we….honestly seek the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord, I can assure you that we will receive it.” ~ President Heber J. Grant
What are some things you talk to the Lord about? How does He direct you for good?

Day 56 (11.20.15)

Read: Alma 39-41
Mark: Alma 41:10
“You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible.” ~President Ezra Taft Benson
Alma uses four chapters (39-42) to counsel his son Corianton to repent. How important is it to you to follow the counsel of your parents and other righteous priesthood leaders? Read Alma 36:20. During the time Alma was racked with torment for his sins whose words did he remember that caused him to cry out for forgiveness?

Day 57 – Catch Up or Extra Study (11.21.15)

Use your reading chart to find the chapters you still need to read to be caught up through: Alma 41
If you’re up to date with your reading, take time to study: Alma 32
To what does Alma liken the seed? Why is faith important for the seed to grow? How can you know if it is a good seed?

Day 58 (11.22.15)

Read: Alma 42-43
Mark: Alma 42:14-15
“How great the wisdom and the love
That filled the courts on high
And sent the Savior from above
To suffer, bleed and die!” ~ Hymn 195
How does understanding the Fall help you more fully love Jesus and appreciate what He did for us?

Day 59 (11.23.15)

Read: Alma 44-46
Mark: Alma 46:12
“The value of a country rests upon the values of its people. For the people of God, for the people who want peace, for their women and their children, there is only one way, one church and one Lord.” ~ Elder Charles Didier
Why do the wicked go to war? How are their motives different from the reasons why the righteous go to war?

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